Latest newsAI Hackathon at SCHUNK

With SCHUNK GPT, a steadily growing AI appli­ca­tion is being devel­oped that is already increasing the effi­ciency of internal processes at SCHUNK. An ideas compe­ti­tion formed the basis for further visions of the future and the devel­op­ment of specific appli­ca­tion ideas: All specialist depart­ments – from devel­op­ment to sales – submitted their sugges­tions. The best ideas were thor­oughly tested and reviewed during a two-day Hackathon in June 2024. The teams worked inten­sively to specify and further develop their ideas. During the two days, many func­tioning proto­types were created and the partic­i­pants gave each other valu­able input.

CEO Kristina I. Schunk was impressed by the team spirit: “Our team did a great job imple­menting this format. I was incred­ibly impressed and touched by the spirit of inno­va­tion here. We have achieved so much in such a short time!”

Issue 01|24

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