Legal Notice

VAT ID No.: DE812197298

Head­quar­ters: Lauffen/Neckar
HRA 103726, Stuttgart Local Court

Pers. liable partner: SCHUNK Beteili­gungs SE
Head­quar­ters: Lauffen/Neckar
HRB 789324, Stuttgart Local Court

Chairman of the Board of Direc­tors:
Henrik A. Schunk

Manage­ment Board:
Kristina I. Schunk (Chair­woman of the Manage­ment Board/CEO)
Johannes Ketterer (COO/CSO)
Dr. Sebas­tian Hesse (CFO)
Timo Gess­mann (CTO)

Product groups

Tool­holding and work­holding
Tool­holding systems
Hydraulic expan­sion tech­nology solu­tions
Stationary tool­holding and work­holding
Quick-change pallet system
Lathe chucks
Magnetic clamping tech­nology
Chuck jaws

Grip­ping tech­nology and automa­tion tech­nology
SCHUNK grip­pers
Rotary modules
Linear modules
Robot acces­sories
Modular assembly automa­tion
Grip­ping system solu­tions
Modular robotics and gripper hands

Machine manu­fac­turer
Depan­eling machines

Autho­rized Economic Oper­ator (AEO)
SCHUNK SE & Co. KG has the certifi­cate number: DE AEOC 109275
H.-D. Schunk GmbH & Co. Span­ntechnik KG has certifi­cate no.: DE AEOC 109873

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Member of VDMA

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Member of DIN

Manu­fac­turing facil­i­ties
D‑74348 Lauffen/Neckar
D‑74336 Brack­en­heim-Hausen
D‑78112 St. Georgen im Schwarzwald
D‑88512 Mengen bei Sigmaringen
CH-8355 Aadorf
IT-24043 Caravaggio, Italy
USA Morrisville, NC 27560,

SCHUNK SE & Co. KG employs 3,500 people thorughout the world.

The infor­ma­tion provided on this website has been thor­oughly checked and is updated regu­larly by SCHUNK SE & Co. KG. We reserve the right not to be respon­sible for the topi­cality, correct­ness, complete­ness or quality of the infor­ma­tion and soft­ware provided. The same applies for the contents of the websites, which are linked or can be referred to from this page. SCHUNK SE & Co. KG is not respon­sible for contents of the websites, which can be reached due to such a link. Any dupli­ca­tion or use of infor­ma­tion and data, partic­u­larly the use of texts or parts of texts is not permitted without SCHUNK SE & Co. KG’s agree­ment.

ODR plat­form for resolving out-of-court disputes

The Euro­pean Commis­sion has provided an inter­ac­tive website for the Online Dispute Reso­lu­tion plat­form (ODR plat­form) in accor­dance with EU Regu­la­tion No 524/2013 for resolving out-of-court disputes from online legal trans­ac­tions.
You can find the Euro­pean Commis­sion’s ODR plat­form at the following link:

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