Latest newsManufacturing‑X

The Manufacturing‑X initia­tive has set itself the goal of creating end-to-end data networking for German and inter­na­tional indus­trial compa­nies. Small and medium-sized enter­prises (SMEs) are expected to benefit the most.

SCHUNK suppliers should also use the new data inter­face

On way or the other, the upcoming regu­la­tions will require joint networking. Suppliers will also benefit from the advan­tages.

Future legis­la­tion such as the Euro­pean Data Act or regu­la­tions on docu­menting CO2 foot­prints and supply chains will require data networking and a will­ing­ness to partic­i­pate in multi­lat­eral data sharing. Manufacturing‑X is preparing this data space for the indus­trial sector. This initia­tive is focusing on designing needs-based appli­ca­tion concepts for SMEs that are so simple that any supplier can incor­po­rate them with very little effort.

Here’s why SCHUNK customers can benefit from Manufacturing‑X:

The advan­tages for customers are in the trans­parency across the entire supply chain, in the simpli­fied exchange for plan­ning and design, as well as in the constant avail­ability of current product data and infor­ma­tion on updates.

In the future, every company will have to provide infor­ma­tion on the CO2 foot­prints for their prod­ucts. Manufacturing‑X will ensure that this infor­ma­tion is already collected and exchanged throughout the supply chain. This will also result in increased resilience, as disrup­tions can be addressed more quickly. Specif­i­cally, Manufacturing‑X and SCHUNK are also working on tools that can be used by plant manu­fac­turers to find optimal solu­tions more quickly. They will also be able to use a variety of engi­neering tools to plan factory equip­ment or develop and imple­ment systems and machines.

Today, these processes are complex and only feasible with non-inter­op­er­able tools and design tools. Manufacturing‑X will simplify this process immensely by providing an easier exchange between compa­nies.

If SCHUNK customers want to install a gripper in their systems, they will be able to access SCHUNK prod­ucts directly from their own plan­ning or design tool. The design and config­u­ra­tion will still take place at SCHUNK, but the inter­ac­tion will occur through the plan­ning tool. Networking between compa­nies will ensure that the tech­nical data is always current and that updates are auto­matic – without any info­mails or noti­fi­ca­tions. This direct, digital inter­ac­tion via end-to-end data networking will dramat­i­cally simplify and accel­erate product selec­tion and design.

That’s why compa­nies should join forces with Manufacturing‑X:

SMEs that get on board now will be helping to shape the indus­trial inter­face.

Manufacturing‑X offers the oppor­tu­nity to drive the digital trans­for­ma­tion in compa­nies. The consortia for the Federal Government’s funding initia­tive are now being estab­lished with the aim of defining the require­ments for effi­cient and demand-oriented data exchange. It is not large corpo­ra­tions that are being sought out here, but small and medium-sized enter­prises in partic­ular. Any company can join in and help shape the process. Either actively as a member of the consortia or by commu­ni­cating with the initia­tive regarding needs and require­ments for a data inter­face.

Those who are already working on these issues with Manufacturing‑X have the oppor­tu­nity to influ­ence the deci­sions, help shape them, and benefit from the direct exchange with part­ners and customers.

About the initia­tive

Manufacturing‑X is part of the German government’s digi­tal­iza­tion strategy. In the future, small and medium-sized enter­prises in partic­ular will be able to exchange their data more easily as well as share it with third parties on an equal footing. At the same time, the sover­eignty and secu­rity of the data will be preserved. Manufacturing‑X is building on existing stan­dards. It’s all about engaging as many stake­holders as possible and maxi­mizing inter­op­er­ability, which is the ability to connect different systems, devices, appli­ca­tions or prod­ucts in order to commu­ni­cate in a coor­di­nated and secure way.

SCHUNK is a pioneer and inno­vator of intel­li­gent automa­tion solu­tions, and as a company is actively committed to making Manufacturing‑X tangible for small and medium-sized busi­nesses.

My team is your contact point and will be
happy to answer any of your ques­tions.

Martin May,
Director Inno­va­tion Center at SCHUNK

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