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E‑Mobility: Dri­ving your change

Do you man­u­fac­ture com­po­nents for elec­tric vehi­cles and are aim­ing and plan­ning to get start­ed with con­vert­ing your pro­duc­tion? Then SCHUNK is exact­ly the right part­ner. Shape your change to elec­tro­mo­bil­i­ty with us.

The change to e‑mobility is in full swing. It is time for the auto­mo­tive indus­try to change lanes: from fos­sil fuels and com­bus­tion engines with crank­shafts, pis­tons and injec­tor noz­zles, to bat­ter­ies and e‑drives with hair­pin sta­tors, shafts and rotors.

The chal­lenge here lies in the fast and safe con­ver­sion of the man­u­fac­tur­ing and assem­bly process­es for the required com­po­nents. In addi­tion, the steps for assem­bly, han­dling and pro­duc­tion in e‑car man­u­fac­tur­ing are not yet as stan­dard­ized as for inter­nal com­bus­tion vehi­cles. This means that engi­neers and pro­duc­tion man­agers have to rethink a num­ber of aspects.

High degree of automa­tion

E‑mobility requires high­ly flex­i­ble, cus­tomiz­able and ver­sa­tile pro­duc­tion process­es. The upcom­ing con­ver­sion of e‑mobility to mass pro­duc­tion while at the same time tak­ing indi­vid­ual cus­tomer require­ments into account can­not be achieved with­out incor­po­rat­ing automa­tion in pro­duc­tion.

Dur­ing the con­ver­sion process, SCHUNK stays at your side as a com­pe­tent part­ner, sup­ply­ing every­thing– from the axis sys­tem to the robot acces­sories – from one source. This reduces the num­ber of inter­faces required and helps with the design and project plan­ning.

Clever com­bi­na­tions

Even with our stan­dard port­fo­lio, there are plen­ty of indi­vid­ual process­es that can be mapped out. On top of that, cus­tomers also ben­e­fit from the com­pa­ny’s many years of indus­tri­al expe­ri­ence and com­pre­hen­sive engi­neer­ing exper­tise. The well-known auto­mo­tive man­u­fac­tur­ers and their sup­pli­ers already enlist SCHUNK prod­ucts, great­ly accel­er­at­ing their inte­gra­tion into new process chains.

Proven solu­tions can already be found on the mar­ket for the fol­low­ing three
com­po­nent groups: the e‑drive, bat­tery and fuel cell.

Bat­tery sys­tems

The entire automa­tion spec­trum is uti­lized in the man­u­fac­ture of bat­tery sys­tems. This applies to high-speed han­dling of indi­vid­ual cells to han­dling the high­est dimen­sions of bat­tery mod­ules and packs.

Round cell grip­per

The mag­net­ic grip­per with pneu­mat­ic con­trol is used for han­dling indi­vid­ual round cells. For use in pro­duc­tion, it can be com­bined to form a mul­ti-grip­per.

Grip­ping mod­ule for bat­tery packs

The grip­ping mod­ule is used when han­dling com­plete bat­tery packs. Posi­tion devi­a­tions in the process can be com­pen­sat­ed in con­junc­tion with the heavy load com­pen­sa­tion unit.

Grip­ping unit for pris­mat­ic cells

The long stroke of the grip­per allows han­dling of dif­fer­ent cell for­mats. The fin­ger geom­e­try allows mul­ti­ple pris­mat­ic cells to be gripped and gath­ered simul­ta­ne­ous­ly.

Fuel cell

Fuel cells have a high ener­gy den­si­ty and a short refu­el­ing time. That is why they are increas­ing­ly being used in mobile and sta­tion­ary appli­ca­tions. SCHUNK offers exten­sive solu­tions for han­dling fuel cells and their com­po­nents.

Stack­ing unit

Lin­ear direct han­dling and large-area grip­pers can be used to assem­ble bipo­lar plates and mem­branes into fuel cell stacks.

Lin­ear han­dling gantry for fuel cell stacks

The axis gantry with grip­ping unit is used for han­dling of fin­ished stacks. The long, freely pro­gram­ma­ble stroke of the grip­per enables han­dling of dif­fer­ent mod­ule sizes.



Elec­tric motors place the high­est demands on automa­tion. Whether it con­cerns the spe­cif­ic set­ting of the hair­pins, the han­dling of the sheet pack­ages or the assem­bly of the com­po­nents to the fin­ished e‑axis: SCHUNK sup­ports you.

Han­dling unit with hair­pin grip­pers

The han­dling and spe­cif­ic set­ting of hair­pins requires high flex­i­bil­i­ty, dynam­ics and pre­ci­sion. The han­dling unit with two Z‑axes and two hair­pin grip­pers allows hair­pins to be placed in the sta­tor in under one sec­ond.

Grip­per unit for sta­tor pro­duc­tion

The long-stroke grip­per is espe­cial­ly suit­able for han­dling parts of dif­fer­ent diam­e­ters. Sta­tor hous­ings, rotors, and elec­tri­cal sheets can be flex­i­bly gripped and turned using swiv­el fin­gers.


SCHUNK offers these added val­ues

Con­cepts & val­i­da­tions of

  • Grip­per appli­ca­tions
  • Han­dling tasks
  • Clamp­ing tasks

Every­thing from a sin­gle source

  • Reduc­tion of inter­faces
  • Design & project plan­ning (mechan­i­cal, pneu­mat­ic & elec­tri­cal, ther­mal)

In-house man­u­fac­tur­ing

  • High ver­ti­cal range of man­u­fac­ture
  • Assem­bly accord­ing to spec­i­fi­ca­tions
  • Doc­u­men­ta­tion

Tell us more about the appli­ca­tion you want to auto­mate. Our appli­ca­tion experts will find the right solu­tion togeth­er with you.

Tel. +49–7133-103‑3014
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