E‑MobilityE‑Mobility: Driving your change

Do you manu­fac­ture compo­nents for elec­tric vehi­cles and are aiming and plan­ning to get started with converting your produc­tion? Then SCHUNK is exactly the right partner. Shape your change to elec­tro­mo­bility with us.

The change to e‑mobility is in full swing. It is time for the auto­mo­tive industry to change lanes: from fossil fuels and combus­tion engines with crank­shafts, pistons and injector nozzles, to batteries and e‑drives with hairpin stators, shafts and rotors.

The chal­lenge here lies in the fast and safe conver­sion of the manu­fac­turing and assembly processes for the required compo­nents. In addi­tion, the steps for assembly, handling and produc­tion in e‑car manu­fac­turing are not yet as stan­dard­ized as for internal combus­tion vehi­cles. This means that engi­neers and produc­tion managers have to rethink a number of aspects.

High degree of automa­tion

E‑mobility requires highly flex­ible, customiz­able and versa­tile produc­tion processes. The upcoming conver­sion of e‑mobility to mass produc­tion while at the same time taking indi­vidual customer require­ments into account cannot be achieved without incor­po­rating automa­tion in produc­tion.

During the conver­sion process, SCHUNK stays at your side as a compe­tent partner, supplying every­thing– from the axis system to the robot acces­sories – from one source. This reduces the number of inter­faces required and helps with the design and project plan­ning.

Clever combi­na­tions

Even with our stan­dard port­folio, there are plenty of indi­vidual processes that can be mapped out. On top of that, customers also benefit from the company’s many years of indus­trial expe­ri­ence and compre­hen­sive engi­neering exper­tise. The well-known auto­mo­tive manu­fac­turers and their suppliers already enlist SCHUNK prod­ucts, greatly accel­er­ating their inte­gra­tion into new process chains.

Proven solu­tions can already be found on the market for the following three
compo­nent groups: the e‑drive, battery and fuel cell.

Battery systems

The entire automa­tion spec­trum is utilized in the manu­fac­ture of battery systems. This applies to high-speed handling of indi­vidual cells to handling the highest dimen­sions of battery modules and packs.

Round cell gripper

The magnetic gripper with pneu­matic control is used for handling indi­vidual round cells.

For use in produc­tion, it can be combined to form a multi-gripper.

Grip­ping module
for battery packs

The grip­ping module is used when handling complete battery packs.

Posi­tion devi­a­tions in the process can be compen­sated in conjunc­tion with the heavy load compen­sa­tion unit.

Grip­ping unit
for pris­matic cells

The long stroke of the gripper allows handling of different cell formats.

The finger geom­etry allows multiple pris­matic cells to be gripped and gath­ered simul­ta­ne­ously.

Fuel cell

Fuel cells have a high energy density and a short refu­eling time. That is why they are increas­ingly being used in mobile and stationary appli­ca­tions. SCHUNK offers exten­sive solu­tions for handling fuel cells and their compo­nents.

Stacking unit

Linear direct handling and large-area grip­pers can be used to assemble bipolar plates and membranes into fuel cell stacks.

Linear handling gantry for fuel cell stacks

The axis gantry with grip­ping unit is used for handling of finished stacks.

The long, freely program­mable stroke of the gripper enables handling of different module sizes.


Elec­tric motors place the highest demands on automa­tion. Whether it concerns the specific setting of the hair­pins, the handling of the sheet pack­ages or the assembly of the compo­nents to the finished e‑axis: SCHUNK supports you.

Handling unit with
hairpin grip­pers

The handling and specific setting of hair­pins requires high flex­i­bility, dynamics and preci­sion.

The handling unit with two Z‑axes and two hairpin grip­pers allows hair­pins to be placed in the stator in under one second.

Grip­ping unit for
stator produc­tion

The long-stroke gripper is espe­cially suit­able for handling parts of different diam­e­ters.

Stator hous­ings, rotors, and elec­trical sheets can be flex­ibly gripped and turned using swivel fingers.

From the battery cell to the battery pack

SCHUNK offers these added values

Concepts & vali­da­tions of

  • Gripper appli­ca­tions
  • Handling tasks
  • Clamping tasks

Every­thing from a single source

  • Reduc­tion of inter­faces
  • Design & project plan­ning (mechan­ical, pneu­matic & elec­trical, thermal)

In-house manu­fac­turing

  • High vertical range of manu­fac­ture
  • Assembly according to spec­i­fi­ca­tions
  • Docu­men­ta­tion

Tell us more about the appli­ca­tion you want to auto­mate.
Our appli­ca­tion experts will find the right solu­tion together with you.

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