Latest newsEdito­rial

In the edito­rial, Kristina I. Schunk, CEO of SCHUNK, writes about current devel­op­ments that are shaping the industry. This issue focuses on the promo­tion of young talent.

Dear Readers,

As a tech­nology leader, our focus is on the customer and on staying on the move with contin­uous devel­op­ment. We can only achieve this with highly trained and moti­vated employees, who are passionate about what they do, and who live our values with confi­dence. We call this the SCHUNK spirit.

This spirit was on clear display at our Family Day in July at the Lauffen and Hausen sites. Our employees presented their work­place, produc­tion halls and SCHUNK prod­ucts to their fami­lies with great enthu­siasm.

Even our young talents have inter­nal­ized the special SCHUNK DNA extremely success­fully. Appren­tices in what is now their second year of appren­tice­ship were able to win an inter­na­tional compe­ti­tion at AMB. The Lauffen site produced several cate­gory winners and top exam­i­nees. In Mengen and St. Georgen, four appren­tices grad­u­ated with a dream grade of 1.

These young profes­sionals will shape the future with us. And that future is digital. We already offer users best-in-class solu­tions with digital prod­ucts and services. This issue is also avail­able for the first time as an extended digital version on our website. As “first mover”, we are repre­sented an office on the campus of Heil­bronn Univer­sity since summer 2022. We are well networked with inno­v­a­tive star­tups and have a finger on the pulse of AI research.

Coop­er­a­tion at eye level, mutual respect and construc­tive exchange are key to inspiring users and employees alike in the future.

Hand in hand for tomorrow

Enjoy reading and discov­ering more exciting topics!

Kristina I. Schunk,
Chief Exec­u­tive Officer

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