Brand strategyShaping a healthy and inno­v­a­tive future together

Increase produc­tivity, save resources and relieving people and the envi­ron­ment. We see this as our respon­si­bility. To this end, we are working together with part­ners world­wide to imple­ment, utilize and sustain­ably estab­lish new tech­nolo­gies. And true to our claim “Hand in hand for tomorrow”, inno­v­a­tive appli­ca­tions are created in collab­o­ra­tion with our customers.

The Healthy Factory

The future of produc­tion lies in intel­li­gent prod­ucts and processes that contribute to a healthier and more respon­sible industry. They combine ergonomics, effi­ciency and the mini­miza­tion of waste, thus creating the condi­tions for the future compet­i­tive­ness of compa­nies, and a satis­fied and moti­vated work­force. Automa­tion brings effi­ciency to manu­fac­turing, leads to high quality stan­dards and durable prod­ucts, and can help to over­come the chal­lenge of the shortage of skilled workers. But it also makes work easier for employees: ergonomic work­sta­tions and the elim­i­na­tion of monot­o­nous tasks contribute to well-being and health. Health has become a funda­mental value world­wide. It is there­fore at the center of the symbiosis between humans, nature and tech­nology, and serves as a guide for respon­sible actions in a “Healthy Factory”. SCHUNK follows this prin­ciple in the devel­op­ment of new prod­ucts as well as in the further devel­op­ment of processes and tech­nolo­gies.

Inno­va­tion through Collab­o­ra­tion

Inno­v­a­tive prod­ucts and services as well as trans­parent and digital value chains are crucial for the path to a sustain­able and compet­i­tive future. During devel­op­ment, a culture of inno­va­tion focused on open­ness and dialog leads to success. By networking with one another across indus­tries and coun­tries and sharing expe­ri­ences, people expand their under­standing of the world and thus arrive at new approaches and ideas. Open commu­ni­ca­tion and  the collab­o­ra­tive part­ner­ship with experts world­wide are the prereq­ui­sites for this. “Inno­va­tion through Collab­o­ra­tion” stands for the power of active collab­o­ra­tion, which can be seen at all levels at SCHUNK: In prod­ucts such as the intel­li­gent tool­holder iTENDO2. But also in networks, such as IPAI Campus, where SCHUNK collab­o­rates in the devel­op­ment of trust­worthy AI appli­ca­tions, or in open source commu­ni­ties to use soft­ware for the common good. These new devel­op­ments and other customized customer appli­ca­tions can be tested and vali­dated world­wide in the SCHUNK CoLabs. We are convinced that shared knowl­edge opens the door to new oppor­tu­ni­ties.

Issue 01|24

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