Latest newsEdito­rial

In the edito­rial, Kristina I. Schunk, CEO of SCHUNK, writes about current devel­op­ments that are shaping the industry. This issue is about inno­va­tion through the respon­sible use of AI.

Dear Readers,

Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence is both a fasci­nating oppor­tu­nity and a chal­lenge for SMEs. Used in a respon­sible way, it makes produc­tion more effi­cient and more powerful. It also enables people to use new tech­nolo­gies quickly, easily and intu­itively. One example of this is our 2D Grasping Kit: The winner of the industry’s Oscar – the HERMES AWARD – makes us proud and shows that we are on the right track. However, we also see it as our respon­si­bility to create a frame­work for arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence that offers protec­tion, but does not slow it down. We are working together with part­ners world­wide and across indus­tries, for example in the Inno­va­tion Park Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence (IPAI) network.

We also inspire this inno­v­a­tive spirit inter­nally. As a global tech­nology pioneer, we moti­vate everyone in our SCHUNK family to be open to new ideas. In TechTalks and Hackathons, we learn from one another, try out inno­v­a­tive tech­nolo­gies and discover possible appli­ca­tions together that increase our effi­ciency. The enthu­siasm, open-mind­ed­ness and impres­sive team­work that we are expe­ri­encing, are reflec­tions of what we would like to see in AI work on a broad scale.

With intel­li­gent prod­ucts that bring effi­ciency to produc­tion, simplify processes, and make people’s work easier, we want to help increase the accep­tance of AI in your company too. We present some of our inno­va­tions in this issue. We are contin­u­ously working on more inno­va­tions together with part­ners world­wide and, of course, hand in hand with you.

In this issue, you can read exciting success stories that show how our prod­ucts help customers to be more successful and discover what’s new at SCHUNK – enjoy reading!

Kristina I. Schunk
CEO | Chair­woman of the Manage­ment Board

Issue 01|24

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