New prod­uctsIntro­ducing the new prod­ucts!

We present three high­light prod­ucts from tool­holding and work­holding, grip­ping and automa­tion tech­nology.

Flex­ible grip­ping unit for round cells

The round cell gripper RCG handles indi­vidual battery cells or assem­bles complete cell clus­ters as a multiple gripper unit – thanks to its compact design with maximum packing density. It picks up round cells magnet­i­cally and deposits them. The perma­nent magnet inside with a holding force of over 70 newtons ensures that the grip­ping force is main­tained at all times, even in the event of a loss of energy. Sensory work­piece and status detec­tion also contribute to process reli­a­bility.

Record vibra­tion data easily

The sensor on the new iTENDO² magnetic holder makes it easy to capture and record vibra­tion data from the working area of a cutting machine. The data provides valu­able infor­ma­tion for process opti­miza­tion during oper­a­tion or test runs. Data is trans­ferred to a tablet PC via wire­less connec­tion and no addi­tional inter­face is required. The sensor can be very easily magnet­i­cally attached or fastened with screws to static parts in the work­space.

High-speed depan­eling

The laser-based depan­eling machine SAL-1300 combines high-speed processing with optimal cutting quality. This is made possible by the inno­v­a­tive speedLAS® tech­nology: A special scanner controls the laser beam in such a way that its move­ments overlap those of the axes and still always work at a perpen­dic­ular angle to the work­piece. This reduces the process time by up to 80 percent and ensures an even energy input for precise high-speed cuts. The system is inde­pen­dent of the laser source so that the wave­length can be opti­mally selected for the respec­tive work task.

Issue 01|24

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