More productivity, flexibility and independence: Those who rely on automation can gain advantages. Machine Tending in particular brings momentum to production. SCHUNK offers not only the necessary components, but also the application expertise to integrate them optimally into any manufacturing processes.

A spindle runtime of up to 8,000 hours a year? What many people have only dreamed of until now is currently just within our reach with clever automation. Only Machine Tending makes it possible to fully exploit their potential and optimize upstream and downstream processes. It is important that the automation solution matches the production environment. And this is where Markus Michelberger, Head of Sales Clamping Technology at SCHUNK Mengen, and his colleagues come into play: “We can offer the right components for all types of machine tool automation, we are very familiar with applications, and we know how production works.”
“We can offer the right components and understand our customers’ applications. This is why they receive components and expertise from a single source.”
Markus Michelberger, Head of Sales Clamping Technology at the SCHUNK location in Mengen

The shortage of skilled workers and increasing times of absence, small batch sizes with high part variance and increasing quality requirements as well as time and cost pressure are not just recent challenges that contract manufacturers have to face. SCHUNK therefore began years ago to make its products fit for the requirements of automated machine tool loading and unloading. “To be successful in the highly competitive market, customers not only have to make their production more effective and cost-efficient, they also have to create an attractive and healthy working environment due to the labor market situation in order to attract and retain employees in the long term. Automation is the key to this.” Depending on the workpiece, batch size, production process and machine, SCHUNK offers five types of automation. “Customers who decide to automate their production have already taken the most important step,” explains Markus Michelberger. “As your partner for productivity, we support and advise you in putting the possible individual parts together to form a coherent whole.”

Workpiece and pallet automation
The R‑C2 from SCHUNK combines the advantages of workpiece and pallet automation. The workpiece lying in the storage rack is gripped with the R‑C2 and is clamped at the same time. The clamping force block with the clamped workpiece is then loaded into the quick-change pallet system of the machine like a pallet.
Lean automation
Lean automation describes a flexible and affordable method of automated machine loading by using already available functions of the machine tool intelligently. The raw and finished parts tray is located within the travel area of the machine. With the help of a gripper with spindle interface, workpiece handling can thus take place within the machine workspace.
Pallet automation
The pallet automation concept is the right choice for clamping heavy and complex workpieces and for ensuring high clamping accuracy requirements. Here, workpieces are set up on pallets outside the machine and then loaded into the system as a complete package. High clamping force and precision combined with a compact design – these are the characteristics of the TANDEM3 clamping force blocks.
Workpiece automation
With workpiece automation, a machine can be loaded even with raw parts from an external storage system, when unattended. After machining, the finished or semi-finished part can be removed from the clamping device and deposited in the storage unit.
Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS)
Flexible manufacturing systems are multi-machine systems for machining workpieces. The individual machine tools are connected to one another via a connected transport and storage system to enable an automated material flow. Tombstones from SCHUNK and the versatile portfolio of clamping tools are components of complete solutions that offer perfect machine utilization with high flexibility.
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Machine Tending
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