Latest news2D Grasping Kit wins HERMES AWARD

The AI-supported and partic­u­larly easy-to-use 2D Grasping Kit solu­tion won the pres­ti­gious tech­nology award at Hannover Messe in April 2024. The jury recog­nized its contri­bu­tion to future-proof and resource-effi­cient produc­tion in light of the skilled worker shortage. The 2D Grasping Kit reli­ably tackles repet­i­tive, monot­o­nous handling tasks, and is easy to operate even without expert know-how. Kristina I. Schunk, CEO of SCHUNK, empha­sizes: “Inno­v­a­tive, highly flex­ible and easy-to-use automa­tion and digi­tal­iza­tion modules such as the 2D Grasping Kit enable so much more than just reli­ably fill gaps in the skilled work­force and increase produc­tivity. They also create a healthy and attrac­tive working envi­ron­ment where humans and machines form a symbiosis.”

The 2D Grasping Kit performs pick & place tasks with randomly arranged parts. Thanks to AI soft­ware, the camera recog­nizes the posi­tions and types of work­pieces to be gripped, calcu­lates the ideal grip­ping points, angles of rota­tion and opening widths, and passes them on to the robot’s controller. Teaching the system requires no prior knowl­edge of program­ming or image processing, so that even smaller compa­nies can easily start automating their processes.

The HERMES AWARD recog­nizes prod­ucts and solu­tions that demon­strate a partic­u­larly high degree of tech­no­log­ical inno­va­tion.

The 2D Grasping Kit makes it easy to get started with AI-supported handling processes for unsorted parts.

Issue 01|24

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