SCHUNK goes digitalOn the pulse of digital future

SCHUNK has been repre­sented on the univer­sity campus of Heil­bronn Univer­sity since the summer with an Inno­va­tion Hub – an exper­i­mental space that combines different exper­tise and compe­ten­cies. The Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence (AI) Inno­va­tion Park, also located there, brings together star­tups, research players, profes­sionals and talent.

AI-based prod­ucts and services from Baden-Würt­tem­berg will be created in Heil­bronn in the future. In 2021, the city prevailed in the Baden-Würt­tem­berg state government’s loca­tion compe­ti­tion, so the new Inno­va­tion Park for Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence (AI) has been located on the univer­sity campus since the summer of 2022. SCHUNK is also repre­sented with an office to ensure that it always has its finger on the pulse of new devel­op­ments as a first mover. Arti­fi­cial intel­li­gence is a tech­nology that will grad­u­ally cover all SCHUNK prod­ucts and services in the future.

“As a founding member of the AI Park in Heil­bronn, we enjoy excel­lent condi­tions for picking up inno­v­a­tive ideas with students and part­ners on site in order to develop new concepts related to AI and the digital port­folio.”

Dr. Martin May,
Director Inno­va­tion Center SCHUNK

More­over, the fact that SCHUNK brings many years of prac­tical expe­ri­ence from the field of automa­tion and produc­tion as a tech­nology leader, proves to be ideal. In combi­na­tion with the scien­tific exper­tise of the univer­sity and the fresh ideas of young star­tups, this creates an extremely fruitful dialog.

“We want to use SCHUNK’s pres­ence in the Inno­va­tion and AI Park to develop new ideas and concepts around digital prod­ucts, services and AI with students and part­ners,“ says Martin May, Director Tech­nology & Inno­va­tion Manage­ment at SCHUNK.

Room for exchanging ideas with students

Students enrolled there in the famous Ecole 42 program­ming school are among those who also benefit from this exchange, as they can gain useful prac­tical knowl­edge in real-life appli­ca­tions. The condi­tions are excel­lent – many well-known, region­ally located compa­nies are preparing for the future on the campus. A lively exchange of knowl­edge takes place in regular semi­nars and work­shops. The atmos­phere at the Inno­va­tion Park makes it possible to work in an agile and inno­v­a­tive way. SCHUNK is in the thick of it and is using this oppor­tu­nity to contin­u­ously expand its partner network as well as its own exper­tise in the field of AI. These efforts result in prod­ucts and services of the next gener­a­tion.

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