Latest newsSCHUNK is one of Bosch’s Top Global Suppliers

SCHUNK receives the “Bosch Global Supplier Award” in the cate­gory “Indi­rect Purchasing and Services”. Pictured here at the presen­ta­tion in Bamberg: from l. to r.: Daniel Bühner (Cate­gory Manager Purchasing, Bosch), Harald Dick­ert­mann (Exec­u­tive Vice Pres­i­dent Sales, SCHUNK), Christo­pher Nagel (Global Key Account Manager, SCHUNK), Filip Koskan (Global Supplier Mentor, Bosch), Uwe Mittmann (Global Cate­gory Manager Purchasing, Bosch)

SCHUNK’s successful global coop­er­a­tion with Bosch has been in place for many years now. For this, Bosch has now honored the company with the “Global Supplier Award”. This places SCHUNK among the tech­nology and service provider’s top 46 of its 23,000 suppliers in 16 coun­tries world­wide.

The award is presented for above-average perfor­mances by its suppliers in the manu­fac­ture and supply of raw mate­rials, prod­ucts, and services. Handling of the pandemic also played an impor­tant role this year too. Dr. Arne Flem­ming, Head of Supply Chain Manage­ment at Bosch, says: “The supplier award is also an expres­sion of appre­ci­a­tion for a partic­u­larly coop­er­a­tive part­ner­ship in the COVID-19 pandemic to date.”

Harald Dick­ert­mann, Exec­u­tive Sales Vice Pres­i­dent of Grip­ping Systems at SCHUNK, said: “We are proud to be consid­ered a valued devel­op­ment and inno­va­tion partner. At the same time, the award is an incen­tive for us to build upon our posi­tion as a leading supplier and to actively shape the future at Bosch.”

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