Latest newsEdito­rial

In the edito­rial, Kristina I. Schunk, CEO of SCHUNK, writes about current devel­op­ments that are shaping the industry. This issue focuses on recog­nizing and setting trends.

Dear Customers,
Part­ners and Friends,

Future trends develop rather slowly at first, but then quickly have a major influ­ence on all levels of society. It is there­fore impor­tant for our company to recog­nize these trends and align itself accord­ingly. As we embark on this process, our “MOVE” is to remain agile, coura­geous and visionary.

In view of the future needs and wishes of the market and our customers, we have expanded our port­folio even more in the course of this move: As a partner for complete system and appli­ca­tion solu­tions, we are placing our entire expe­ri­ence at your disposal. Our robot appli­ca­tion center CoLab in Hausen is a place where our experts work together with customers on the vali­da­tion of appli­ca­tions under real condi­tions. CoLabs were also opened in China and the USA at the end of the year. In this way, we are making the step into automa­tion as simple and low-risk as possible.

Listening, iden­ti­fying trends, and acting as an idea gener­ator to develop purposeful prod­ucts, services, and support for our customers. We will show how SCHUNK imple­ments this in the article Life Science. In “Life Science”, biotech­nology, medical tech­nology and phar­ma­ceu­ti­cals are working together to create new prod­ucts, inno­v­a­tive treat­ment methods and life-saving medi­cines for human health. SCHUNK grip­pers and sensors perform impor­tant key tasks here in modern, auto­mated manu­fac­turing processes. Find out more about the fields of appli­ca­tion.

Look into the future with us! We hope you enjoy these arti­cles!

Kind regards,

Kristina I. Schunk,
Chief Exec­u­tive Officer

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